Apni Pathshala

Rajasthan Approves 33% Quota for Women in the Police Force

Syllabus: GS 1/Women Empowerment 

In the News:

Rajasthan has approved a 33% reservation for female officers in the police force by modifying the State Police Subordinate Service Rules, 1989.

Current Status:

  • Over the years, the representation of women in the Indian police has seen improvement.
  • However, this progress has been gradual yet consistent.
  • As of January 1, 2022, women constituted 11.7% of the total state police force.
  • Since policing is a state subject, it is mainly the responsibility of state governments and Union Territory (UT) administrations to recruit more women police personnel and enhance gender balance.

Importance of Women in the Police Force:

  • Better Handling of Violence Against Women: Increased female representation in law enforcement is linked to higher reporting rates and improved management of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other crimes against women.
    • Female officers contribute to better reporting and higher clearance rates for these cases.
  • Enhanced Police-Community Relations: Women officers are often more trusted by their communities due to their strong interpersonal skills and lower tendency to use force.
    • This results in improved relationships and safer communities.
  • Effective Problem-Solving Skills: Women bring valuable problem-solving abilities to law enforcement.
    • A diverse workforce, including both men and women, fosters creativity, resilience, and more effective decision-making and service delivery.

Issues and Challenges:

  • Infrastructure Concerns: Many women in the police force are dissatisfied with inadequate infrastructure, such as the absence of separate toilets and insufficient facilities for reporting workplace harassment.
  • Prejudiced Views: Some segments of the population hold biased opinions about women’s abilities in policing.
    • There is a prevailing belief among certain personnel that policing is primarily a male profession.
  • Workplace Environment: Women in the police force frequently encounter a hostile work environment marked by sexism and gender bias.
    • Stereotypes and biases often impede their advancement within the force.

 Steps Taken:

  • Advisories from the Ministry of Home Affairs: Regular advisories have been issued to State Governments and Union Territory (UT) Administrations to increase female representation in the police force to 33% of the total strength.
  • Minimum Staffing Requirements: States and UTs are advised to ensure that each police station has at least 3 women Sub-Inspectors and 10 women Constables to maintain a women’s help desk around the clock.
  • Improved Welfare Measures: States are encouraged to enhance welfare measures for female police personnel, including better housing, medical facilities, and restrooms, to foster a supportive work environment.
  • Central Assistance: The “Assistance to States & UTs for Modernization of Police” scheme provides central assistance for constructing separate toilet facilities and crèches in police stations.
  • Public Recruitment Campaigns and Fee Exemptions: Recruitment drives are widely publicized, and female candidates are exempt from application fees.
  • Relaxed Physical Standards: Women candidates benefit from relaxed standards in the Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) compared to their male counterparts.
  • Anti-Sexual Harassment Measures: Committees have been established at all levels to address and resolve complaints of sexual harassment.
  • Supreme Court Emphasis: The Supreme Court has underscored the importance of increasing women’s representation in the police force due to the high incidence of crimes against women.

Suggestions and Way Forward:

  • Create a Supportive Environment: Develop a conducive environment and basic infrastructure to attract more women to the police force.
  • Recruitment Boards: Establish recruitment boards in all States to ensure a steady intake of female officers.
  • Model Policy Development: Implement a model policy to challenge entrenched patriarchal attitudes within police institutions.
  • Avoid Gender Stereotyping: Ensure deployment decisions are free from gender bias, allowing women to assume leadership and key operational roles.
  • Zero-Tolerance Policy: Adopt a zero-tolerance stance on discrimination and harassment within the police force.
  • Gender Sensitization: Promote gender sensitization within police forces to counteract prejudiced views about women’s capabilities.
  • Complementary Programs: Pair sensitization programs with efforts to boost female representation in the police.

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