Apni Pathshala

UPSC Calendar 2025 – Exam Dates and Schedule

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has officially released the UPSC Calendar 2025 on November 7, 2024, on its website. This calendar provides dates for upcoming exams, including notification release dates, application deadlines, and expected exam dates. This article offers a detailed overview of the key dates and exams scheduled by UPSC for 2025.

UPSC Calendar 2025 – Importance and Overview

UPSC has published the 2025 exam calendar on its official website with key dates for all exams scheduled in the 2024-2025 cycle. This annual calendar includes exam schedules for the Civil Services, Indian Forest Service (IFS), National Defence Academy (NDA) I & II, Combined Defence Services (CDS) I & II, Engineering Services, Combined Geo-Scientist, Indian Statistical Service (ISS), Indian Economic Service (IES), Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF), and more.  For candidates understanding these schedules is essential for timely preparation. Key dates include the UPSC Civil Services Examination notification release on January 21, 2025, with the Preliminary Exam scheduled for May 25, 2025, and the Main Exam starting on August 22, 2025. Additionally, notifications for UPSC CDS 1 and NDA 1 will be issued on December 11, 2024.

UPSC Exam Dates Schedule 2025

Below is a table of dates for the major UPSC exams in 2025. This table includes the notification date, last date for application submission, and scheduled exam dates:


Notification Date

Application Deadline

Exam Date

S.O. Grade-B LDCE, 2024



11-Jan-2025 (Saturday)

Combined Geo-Scientist (Prelims)



09-Feb-2025 (Sunday)




09-Mar-2025 (Sunday)

NDA & NA 1 Exam



13-Apr-2025 (Sunday)

CDS 1 Exam



13-Apr-2025 (Sunday)

Civil Services (Prelims)



25-May-2025 (Sunday)

Engineering Services (Prelims)



08-Jun-2025 (Sunday)

I.E.S./I.S.S. Examination



20-Jun-2025 (Friday) – 3 days

Combined Medical Services



20-Jul-2025 (Sunday)

Central Armed Police Forces (ACs)



03-Aug-2025 (Sunday)

Engineering Services (Main)

10-Aug-2025 (Sunday)

Civil Services (Main)

22-Aug-2025 (Friday) – 5 days




14-Sep-2025 (Sunday)




14-Sep-2025 (Sunday)

Indian Forest Service (Main)

16-Nov-2025 (Sunday) – 7 days

S.O./Steno (GD-B/GD-I) LDCE



13-Dec-2025 (Saturday) – 2 days

UPSC Calendar 2025 PDF Download

Full UPSC Exam Calendar for 2025 is now available in PDF format on the official UPSC website, upsc.gov.in. Candidates aiming for UPSC exams in the 2024-25 session are advised to download and print the calendar to keep track of important dates. To access the complete UPSC Calendar 2025 PDF, click the link below:

UPSC Calendar 2025 PDF

How to Download the UPSC Calendar 2025

To download the UPSC Calendar 2025, follow these steps:

  • Go to upsc.gov.in.
  • Click on the “Examination” tab.
  • From the drop-down, select “Calendar.”
  • Look for the “UPSC 2025 Exam Calendar” link.
  • The calendar will be displayed in PDF format. Save it for reference.

Exam Preparation Strategies Based on UPSC Calendar 2025

With the UPSC Preliminary Exam for 2025 scheduled for 25th May, candidates should have a strategy in place. Here’s a suggested timeline to optimize preparation.

  • Complete Syllabus by February: Aim to cover the syllabus for both the general and optional subjects by February 2025. This leaves enough time for a focused review before the prelims.
  • Mock Tests: Start taking mock tests by March, gradually increasing the frequency. This will help in assessing strengths and weaknesses.
  • Focus on Prelims Revision: From February onwards, focus heavily on prelims topics, revisiting mock test results, and adjusting study plans accordingly.
  • General Studies and Current Affairs: Stay updated on current affairs throughout the preparation, as they are an essential component of the UPSC exams.
  • Main Exam Preparation: For candidates who qualify for the prelims, August should be dedicated to extensive preparation for the mains examination, scheduled for 22nd August 2025

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FAQs About UPSC Calendar 2025

Is the UPSC Calendar for 2025 officially released?

Yes, it has been released on the official UPSC website at upsc.gov.in.

When is the UPSC Preliminary Exam scheduled for 2025?

The UPSC Preliminary Exam for 2025 is scheduled for 25th May.

What information does the UPSC Calendar 2025 provide?

The UPSC calendar provides key dates such as notification releases, application deadlines, and examination dates for all major exams conducted by UPSC.

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