Apni Pathshala

QUAD: A Testbed for India’s Strategic Autonomy

GS Paper – 2: International Relations, Groupings & Agreements Involving India and/or Affecting India’s Interests, Regional Groupings

This editorial is based on “The Quad’s agenda may seem small, but its achievements are not,” published in The Indian Express on 23/09/2024. The article discusses how the Quad has evolved into a multifaceted forum, offering India a platform for regional cooperation with key allies while preserving its strategic autonomy. It highlights how the Quad counters China’s assertiveness without formal military alliances, aligning with India’s diplomatic preferences.

For Prelims:

  • Quadrilateral Security Dialogue
  • ASEAN nations
  • Malabar series
  • National Quantum Mission
  • Quad Critical & Emerging Technology Forum
  • Indo-Pacific Economic Framework
  • International North-South Transport Corridor
  • Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
  • Open Radio Access Networks
  • Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
  • India’s use of Russian S-400 missile systems

For Mains:

  • Significance of the Quad for India
  • Major Challenges Related to the Quad for India

Summary: The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), comprising India, Australia, Japan, and the United States, has evolved into a platform addressing a broad spectrum of regional issues beyond traditional security concerns.

At its recent summit in Wilmington, Delaware, the Quad showcased initiatives ranging from healthcare and cybersecurity to infrastructure development and emerging technologies.

This broad approach helps the Quad avoid being perceived as an “Asian NATO” while gaining acceptance among ASEAN nations.

For India, the Quad represents a unique opportunity to engage in regional cooperation with the U.S. and its Asian allies without the constraints of formal military alliances. While the forum is not explicitly directed against any nation, it implicitly serves as a counterbalance to China’s growing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific. The Quad’s nuanced approach allows India to manage its complex relationship with China, making its strategic significance increasingly clear as a platform aligning with India’s diplomatic preferences and strategic interests.

 What is the Quad?

  • The Quad is an informal diplomatic alliance between Australia, India, Japan, and the U.S., aimed at promoting an open, stable, and prosperous Indo-Pacific.
  • Initially proposed by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2007, it became a formal group in 2017 after overcoming challenges like Australia’s earlier withdrawal under Chinese pressure.

What is the Significance of the Quad for India?

  • Strategic Counterbalance to China:
    The Quad provides India with a platform to counterbalance China’s assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific, particularly amid ongoing border tensions like the 2020-2021 Galwan Valley clashes.

The Quad’s joint naval exercises, such as the Malabar series, enhance India’s maritime capabilities and signal collective resolve. For example, the 2023 Malabar exercise in Australia involved advanced anti-submarine warfare drills, directly addressing concerns about China’s expanding submarine fleet in the Indian Ocean.

  • Economic and Technological Cooperation:
    The Quad offers India access to advanced technologies and economic partnerships with developed economies.
    The Quad Critical & Emerging Technology Forum focuses on AI, quantum computing, and biotechnology, which is crucial for India’s National Quantum Mission.
    Initiatives like the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), launched in 2022, provide India with alternatives to China-centric economic arrangements in the region.
  • Infrastructure and Connectivity:
    The Quad’s infrastructure initiatives offer India opportunities to enhance regional connectivity and influence.
    The Quad Infrastructure Coordination Group aligns the members’ infrastructure efforts in the Indo-Pacific, complementing India’s initiatives like the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC).
    This counters China’s “String of Pearls” strategy and bolsters India’s “Diamond of Necklace” strategy in its immediate neighborhood.
  • Maritime Security and Freedom of Navigation:
    The Quad reinforces India’s commitment to free and open sea lanes in the Indo-Pacific, crucial for trade and energy security.
    About 95% of India’s trade by volume and 68% by value is conducted via maritime transport. Initiatives like the Indo-Pacific Maritime Domain Awareness (IPMDA) partnership, launched in 2022, are significant. This near-real-time, integrated maritime domain awareness system helps combat illegal fishing, piracy, and other maritime challenges.
  • Climate Change and Disaster Response:
    The Quad provides a platform for India to address climate change and enhance disaster response capabilities.
    The Quad Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Package (Q-CHAMP), launched in 2022, focuses on green shipping corridors, clean energy cooperation, and climate information services, aligning with India’s renewable energy targets, such as achieving 500 GW of non-fossil fuel capacity by 2030.
    The Quad’s disaster response mechanisms complement India’s leadership in the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI).
  • Cybersecurity and Critical Technologies:
    The Quad provides India with a framework for cybersecurity and critical technologies cooperation, essential amid rising digital threats.
    The Quad Cybersecurity Partnership, announced in 2023, aims to improve cyber resilience and response capabilities. This is particularly relevant for India, which faced over 1.39 million cybersecurity incidents in 2022 alone, according to CERT-In data.
    In 2023, Quad partners announced the first-ever Open Radio Access Networks (RAN) in the Pacific to support a secure, resilient, and interconnected telecommunications ecosystem, with a commitment of approximately USD 20 million.

What are the Major Challenges Related to the Quad for India?

  • Balancing Act with China:
    India faces the challenge of participating in the Quad while maintaining a delicate balance with China.
    Despite the Quad’s assertion that it’s not anti-China, Beijing views it as a containment strategy, complicating India’s efforts to manage its relationship with China, especially amid ongoing border tensions.
    For instance, the 2023 China-India border talks showed progress but also highlighted persistent tensions. In 2022, bilateral trade between India and China hit a record USD 135.98 billion, emphasizing the economic interdependence that India must navigate while participating in Quad initiatives that may be perceived as antagonistic by China.
  • Divergent Priorities within the Quad:
    The Quad members often have different priorities and approaches, creating challenges for India.
    While the U.S. and Australia may push for a more security-focused agenda, India prefers a broader, less militaristic approach. The varying responses to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine also highlighted these divergences, with India maintaining a neutral stance while other Quad members imposed sanctions.
  • Resource and Capacity Constraints:
    Implementing various Quad initiatives requires significant resources and capacity, challenging India given its domestic development priorities.
    For instance, the Quad Vaccine Partnership aimed to leverage India’s manufacturing capabilities, but the country initially faced challenges in meeting domestic vaccine demands. Similarly, India’s commitment to investing in critical and emerging technologies as part of Quad initiatives requires substantial financial and human resources, potentially straining its budget and technical capacity.
  • Potential Economic Costs:
    Certain Quad initiatives, especially those targeting reduced economic reliance on China, might incur short-term economic costs for India. Restructuring supply chains away from China, as debated in Quad meetings, could disrupt India’s existing economic relations with China.

India’s electronics industry heavily relies on Chinese components, and transitioning away from this dependency would require significant time and investment, potentially impacting India’s economic growth in the short term.

  • Regional Perceptions and Diplomatic Challenges:
    To avoid diplomatic isolation, India must address the perceptions of the Quad among other regional actors, particularly those in ASEAN.

Some ASEAN members have expressed concerns about the Quad potentially undermining ASEAN centrality in regional affairs. India’s participation in the Quad while engaging with other regional groupings like BRICS (which includes China and Russia) creates a complex diplomatic balancing act.

  • Operational and Interoperability Challenges:
    Enhancing interoperability with other Quad members, particularly in military and technological spheres, poses operational challenges for India.
    The country’s diverse military equipment, including significant Russian-origin systems, can create compatibility issues. For example, India’s use of Russian S-400 missile systems led to concerns about sanctions under the U.S. CAATSA act, potentially complicating defense cooperation within the Quad.

How can India manage its Quad commitments while preserving its strategic autonomy?

Issue-based Alignment within the Quad:
India should pursue a flexible, issue-based alignment within the Quad, focusing on areas of mutual interest without compromising its core strategic interests. For instance, India can strongly engage in technology cooperation, as seen in the Quad Critical and Emerging Technology Working Group, while maintaining a more nuanced stance on explicit military cooperation.

  • Enhancing Domestic Capabilities:
    Investing in domestic capabilities, particularly in defense and technology sectors, can reduce external dependencies and strengthen India’s position within the Quad. The ‘Make in India’ initiative in defense, leading to a domestic production surge to Rs 1,08,684 crore in 2022-23, marks significant progress in this direction. Similarly, India’s push in semiconductor manufacturing, with a USD 10 billion incentive scheme announced in 2021, aligns with the Quad’s technology goals while serving India’s self-reliance objectives.
  • Proactive Agenda Setting:
    India should take a more proactive role in setting the Quad agenda, focusing on areas where it has strengths and which align with its strategic interests. Leveraging India’s leadership in the International Solar Alliance (ISA) could be pivotal in shaping the Quad’s approach to climate change. The Quad Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Package (Q-CHAMP) provides an opportunity for India to steer discussions toward its priorities in renewable energy and climate resilience.
  • Balancing Diplomatic Engagements:
    Simultaneously engaging with other regional groupings like ASEAN, BIMSTEC, and BRICS, can help India balance its Quad commitments while avoiding diplomatic isolation. For instance, India’s active participation in the ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise (AIME) in 2023 demonstrated its commitment to ASEAN centrality while also engaging in Quad initiatives. India’s nuanced approach to the Indo-Pacific, which emphasizes inclusivity and respect for international law, can help align its Quad activities with broader regional interests.
  • Confidence-Building Measures with China:
    While participating in the Quad, India should continue to engage China through bilateral and multilateral channels to manage tensions. Confidence-building measures (CBMs) in border areas, such as the 2021-2022 border disengagement agreements, can help stabilize relations while India continues its Quad activities. Additionally, dialogues through platforms like the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) can serve as avenues to address broader regional security concerns and reduce the risk of misperceptions regarding India’s Quad participation.

Way Forward
India’s participation in the Quad is crucial for advancing its strategic and economic interests in the Indo-Pacific, especially amid rising regional uncertainties. The Quad offers India a platform to engage with key partners on critical issues, from maritime security to emerging technologies, while preserving its strategic autonomy. However, navigating the challenges associated with the Quad requires a nuanced approach, balancing cooperation with other regional players, managing relations with China, and strengthening India’s domestic capabilities. The way forward lies in leveraging the Quad’s potential to enhance India’s regional influence while maintaining its non-aligned posture and pursuing its broader strategic goals.

Mains Practice Question:
1. The Quad offers India significant opportunities for regional cooperation, but also presents challenges. Analyze the strategic, economic, and diplomatic implications for India. 

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